My New Obsession

For those of you that don't know me, I am a wannabe runner. This year I ran the Disney Princess Half Marathon and fell in love with racing. However, I am not a gifted athlete- especially when it comes to running. I workout in the gym and lift weights (a lot) which has somewhat increased my athleticism, but running has been hard for me to enjoy (I said I fell in love with racing!). I want to be a great runner though, and I know I can work up to it. I just have to remember that everybody has to start somewhere.

So, I signed up to run the race again next year! This year it was about completing 13.1 miles, next year is about crushing them!

My teammate and I started training this week and we're following the Train Like A Mother Half Marathon Finish It and Own It plans since we have time for both before the race.
Now, I usually have trouble getting "into" my runs because I zone out and get bored. (I like to keep my brain stimulated, and although music works when I'm lifting weights, it does diddly squat for runs.)

However, I found a cure for this boredom!


I read somewhere, a woman saying that she listened to podcasts while she ran and it got me interested. I looked around on the internet searching "podcasts for young women" and "best podcasts women" to try to find something that I'd like. The Authors of Run Like A Mother and Train Like A Mother do a weekly podcast so that one was a given. (I feel obligated to tell everyone: no, I am not a mother. I saw them speak at the Princess Half expo and loved them.) Then, I looked around and found a few others!

Here are some podcasts that I've been listening to:

What are some of your favorite podcasts? Do you have any suggestions?


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