Every Day, A Little Faster

Hey, y'all!

I've been super busy with the last few days of school, with papers on papers to write (and I hate academic writing) and a final to take tomorrow! I've also had to work on top of that, and finally I had a break today. I literally did not "go to bed" until 6:00 yesterday morning only to wake up at 6:40 and head to my 8 am class after pulling an all nighter, writing an 8 page research paper on Messianic Judaism after getting off of work until 11:00. (Can you keep up with all of that?) I had three cups of coffee that night along with a 5 Hour Energy, and I am not proud of this, but felt it was necessary because I LIKE TO SLEEP. THEN, after my 3 hour class yesterday, I slept for two hours and had an 8 hour shift at work.

I was dead.

I have had a full night's sleep since then and still have my final to study for, but am taking a little break to talk on here!

So, what are we talking about?
My new favorite topic! Running!

Because of the chaotic Monday and Tuesday this week, I didn't get to run either day. Today was supposed to be a rest day, but since I didn't have two runs in before my tempo runs tomorrow, I felt I could do Tuesday's 6 mile run today. Maybe, I'm crazy, but I needed to run. It gives me "me time" in the best way. I listen to my podcasts, which makes me think, but not in an overwhelming, yet boring way that listening to music does. It also helps because I feel like I'm having a conversation, but I don't lose my breath, inhibiting my performance. My long runs with Ginny, my running partner are laughable because neither of us can breathe from talking and running at the same time.

I didn't think I would say this so soon, but I really am starting to enjoy running! I look forward to the time that I can run all day because I get to sweat it all out and push myself past my comfort zone- literally, my legs are killing me on every.single.run. In just a few weeks, my breathing has regulated and I no longer have to stop because my heart feels like it's going to stop! (Talking not included) I've really figured out pacing, and push myself just past that comfortable pace because I want to get stronger and faster! 
And better. And harder? Kanye cliche totally intended.

My race is in about 7 months, but I've started training because I didn't train for my last half. This year it was about completion. Next year, it's about time. I've already seen major increases in my ability. I've grown to be able to run a mile straight, to being to do it in 9:15! What will this be by February??

Here is my first mile split and my total time:

The treadmill took about two seconds after I actually hit 1 miles to pause (I paused it so I could take a picture!) And then it also reset the time for the "cool down period," which I ignored, after one hour because without thinking, I did the Quick Start option instead of Manual. So my final time is 63 minutes, 4 seconds- 10:50 min/mi. average! Can't wait to see what this is by February!

I mentioned before that I was ordering some GU Energy Labs Salted Caramel gels, and they arrived yesterday! I was SUPER excited (probably too excited, honestly) to try it today. 
My rating: 10/10
This tasted so good that I didn't want to drink anymore of my Nuun on my run because I didn't want the taste to wash out! I highly recommend it and will be ordering more in the future! I would buy them now, but the Performance Bicycle in Tampa was having a 20% off sale on fuel and bulk was reduced price. So I bought a 24 pack of Vanilla Clif Shot Gels, 3 packs of Clif Shot Bloks, a Honey Stinger Vanilla Waffle and two packs of Nuun all for $35! (a $48 value) So, I am set on fuel for a while! Luckily, I still have 7 Salted Caramels left!

My fuel purchase from Performance Bicycles!

Calories burned from tonight's run! I wait until my heart rate has leveled out to normal before I stop the time on my heart rate monitor.
Have you worked out today? How did you feel afterwards? I'd love to read some of your comments!


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