Goodbye LA

This is a happy post- an excited, and optimistic one.

After great consideration and many conversations with my loved ones, I have decided to leave California. I know it sounds sad, but it is a change I am excited about. After Thanksgiving, I am packing up my car and driving across the country, back to Florida. But going home isn't because I have been defeated, or failed in my plans. I'm moving back to Tallahassee so I have the space, freedom and means to plan my next great adventure!

If you know me, you've probably observed that when I decide what I want, I do everything in my power to make it happen. Last year I decided I was going to move to Los Angeles after graduation, so I did. By working all year to get an internship out here and plan my move; and with the help and support of my parents, we made it happen. I signed a 6 month lease and decided to trust that God would help me make it work.

Los Angeles has been fun and exciting; and I have been incredibly lucky that I was able to build a group of friends to lean on out here, after moving to a strange city by myself. I've been to concerts on the Santa Monica pier and at the famous Greek Amphitheater, watched the surfers in Malibu, got my hair cut on the sidewalk in Venice, and got pierced for the hell of it by a celebrity piercer in Melrose. The past six months have given me memories I will cherish for the rest of my life. However, I quickly realized after moving here that Los Angeles was a temporary home for me. It's fun and exciting, but it's expensive and superficial. I didn't plan to leave so soon, but looking back the six month lease worked out perfectly. Trusting God always proves to be the right choice.

Since I was a freshman in college, my parents have encouraged me to travel around Europe after school. But, I felt that choosing childlike wander over starting my career would be irresponsible. My parents moved to Germany after my graduation, and ever since visiting them in September, I couldn't help but feel that I was missing out on a great opportunity and an adventure of a lifetime. If I'm being honest, if it hadn't been for Sweetie still being in LA, I wouldn't have gotten on the plane to come back. I've been wanting so badly to move to Europe, but could only think about how irresponsible leaving my job would be. And in the past month, life started to move fast and my stress level went through the roof. My boyfriend was looking for a job in LA and we were trying to find an apartment together that was both safe, affordable and not an hour long commute. Without knowing where he would work, we were both extremely stressed and all I could think about was how this was not falling into place.

Then, I received a blessing in disguise. The company I worked at was letting me go due to restructuring. I probably sound insane to the average person. "Why would this be a blessing??"
But with this happening in lieu of my lease coming to an end, I think this is God telling me that it's okay to chase my dreams. The universe is unveiling a path, making it okay for me to go, and assuring me that I'm not giving anything up or running away.

Don't cry for me, California...
I'll send you all postcards from Europe. ;)
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