New Year's Resolutions

2014 is a few days away, and that means it is time to turn over a new leaf!

Last year was the first year I sat down and wrote a list of resolutions. Sadly, I didn't complete everything, but I am okay with that because I still believe that I am a stronger and better person. On my list were four things:
1. Size 2
2. Pray for Jesse every day
3. Disney Princess Half Marathon
4. Straight A's

Size 2: Well, I did not make it to a size 2. But, I am so proud of myself for the accomplishments I have made, and I think "size 2" is symbolic of much more than an actual number! Since my senior year of high school, over these past two years, I have lost 35 pounds and have gone from a size 12 to a size 4! I have built up a lot of muscle and am still working on improving my body and my health. Being a size 2 would also be a huge challenge for my body, and probably not a healthy one, because I am 5'9" and have an hourglass figure (sadly, I'm lacking in the boobs department though) and come from two big-boned families. I may not be a size 2, but I am healthy and happy. And that is what truly matters. 

Pray for Jesse every day: It was a goal of mine to pray for my boyfriend every day, as a way for our relationship to grow, to protect him, and for my own faith to strengthen. We knew last fall that he would be deploying. I made this promise to pray for him and, I followed through with it. I truly believe that this has not only strengthened my love for him while he has been away, but has strongly improved my relationship with The Lord. In my book, this is a double-check. 

Disney Princess Half Marathon: Last February, I ran this race and it was one of the best decisions of my life! This race made me fall in love with running, and taught me I could do things I never thought were possible. Literally. I was not a runner. I did not think this was possible. But I loved this race so much, I am signed up again for the 2014 race! 

Straight A's: Lol. I royally failed at this. But no, seriously, college is hard. Like, 10x harder, in my opinion, than high school. And I never really studied in high school, because study styles and habits were never instilled into me, and I also get bored very fast. I have not put in half of the effort necessary for my classes and I take 100% responsibility for that. However, next semester I start Retail Merchandising classes, so I am super excited. I plan on buckling down and putting this on my list again. I can do it. It's just a matter of putting in the effort.

I wrote down my resolutions and hung them up over my desk in my apartment. The list travelled with me, when I moved back home for the summer, and again, when I moved into my current apartment. I created this file, that we can all print and write down our 2014 resolutions!

You can hang your list above your desk, or anywhere you'll see it often, to remind you everyday of your goals, and help to form habits.
There are a few days left to think about it, and decide what you would like to accomplish, and at the end of 2014, we will see what we have accomplished!

What are some of your New Year's Resolutions? Are you excited for 2014?

3 comments on "New Year's Resolutions"
  1. I'm definitely printing off tons of copies of that resolution sheet, I'll be hanging them everywhere to keep me on track!

    1. Good!! Having a list up seriously helped me stay on track this past year! :)

  2. I definitely need to come up with my own New Years Resolutions!
    Pinch of Lyss


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