Back to School

I have been so busy the past week because I have been getting ready to go back to school!

Moving back to Tallahassee has been very stressful because I am a worrier and I was so scared I would forget something important like my laptop or my Lilly dresses that I'm wearing for Recruitment! (I haven't mentioned it here, but I am rushing! Woohoo!) I was also stressed that everything I was taking wouldn't fit in the cars! (Mine and my mom's) My stepdad has a truck, but my parents didn't want to take it because it is a gas guzzler!
 Here is all of my stuff in the sitting room/ dining room:

Now do you understand why I was freaking out? This didn't even include my clothes!
Somehow, it all fit though! 

I had to say goodbye to my baby, and I'm missing her so much.. 

Follow me on Instagram! @sweetaspierce

But, I've been receiving these [too cute] pictures of her having fun with some family friends who are taking care of her while my parents were up here. 

Apparently she's a Boston fan! Look, Abby!

So, we made it to Tallahassee and moved in! I forgot to take before pictures, but just so you know, the whole wall with my window and desk was dark red (Seminole themed, but super tacky). We (read: Mike) have been painting, unpacking, drilling and cleaning the past three days and it feels like I'm home! 

I chose to live by myself, in an efficiency, so it is basically a hotel room. 

Here is my bed:

Look at the fab pillows my mom made! And my gramma made the knit one. :)

My parents painted these night stands for me: 

Mike put up this shelf that I bought:

Here is the view from my bed, of my desk:


The chair my mom made:
(Isn't it precious?)

My closet:


And the view from my door: :)

2 comments on "Back to School"
  1. I really love your Lilly shower curtain! Good luck moving in, I don't miss those days of worrying about forgetting something important behind!

  2. Pierce EVERY thing looks like perfection. Good luck with rush!


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